I have always felt like I was born with the ability to draw. Spurred on by my grade school art teacher, Mr. O’Neill, I carried this vocation to be a professional artist with me seriously up until my junior year in college.
I abandoned my BFA pursuits at the University of Missouri–Columbia to get into what I thought would be a more lucrative pursuit of Graphic Design/Art Direction in the Advert industry.
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I am glad I chose the path I did.I am grateful for a consistent career in the world of Advertising, Marketing and Graphic Design.
It has given me opportunities to free my mind to explore and absorb knowledge, from the clients I have serviced to all the categories of information from anywhere the world wide web can take me.
Because of this Advertising background, I can not only paint, but I also imply the explosive world of digital art to my palette.
This two-pronged media approach that I am focused on right now keeps me fresh with the endless supply of ideas I have stored in my fairly unique brain.
This Generalist Knowledge or ‘Synthesizing of Disciplines’ - more of how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the world has helped me Conjure, Manifest, or ‘TuneInto’ ‘theJobSpectrum®’ concept and the potential for a Reality-Redesign.com in general.
I used to think my ideas and philosophies were strange and too weird for public consumption... but the state of reality and the world we live in today...
I don’t think that at all anymore.
...Because if the Artist, who are self-selected to be able to journey into the other... if the Artist cannot find the way, then the Way cannot be Found.’ – Terence McKenna
I have recently adopted the above quote from the great spiritual shaman and philosopher Terence McKenna as a motivational theme to my sporadic yet driven Artistic ‘career’.
I am a Self-Selected Artist and , as my artwork shows, I have journeyed into the ‘Other’. I know I have ideas that I have pulled from there that can be helpful for us to more align with the natural Mechanisms we can emulate to help each other, care for each other, treat each other with respect and make this experiecne that much better. Plane/t Earth and the Spiritual Beings that inhabit this reality are ready to evolve for the better. Now is the time to do just that.
All things that exist at one point or another were once only ideas inside our human minds... we bring this reality into existence... it is this infinite Thought Structure® that I try to bring into physical being thru this fairly new digital art form. I believe we can strive to uncover what has always been–a more perfect, more benevolent, accepting, compassionate world–and Art can and will show us the way.
Symbolic representation here - the Logo for Reality-Redesign.com® is a combination of 2 timeless ideas merged into one Logos, which is the Greek name for God. The Dung Beetle is Revered among ancient Egyptian Lore... I'm pairing this with the similar motif of the Sisyphis Myth of being sentenced to roll the stone up the hill only to fail every time for eternity. To me this symbolizes the task at hand for All Creatives - we're in a world of Shite - and it is up to us to do the Yeoman's Labour to make this world a better place.
It is my hope that my Artwork here, of which theJobSpectrum® is now an intricate part, leads that charge as a step forward towards this Reality-Redesign.com