PodCast_00004: #Top13Tenets Overview
This is a BRIEF summation of the #Top13Tenets of #RealityRedesign's New Philosophy #SimulationAssumptionism. In this #simulation / game type scenario, we unveil these tenets as a way for Society to Pivot away from its prevalent destructive, selfish traits and adopt a more of a Civilized temperament. Like Psychedelics, the adoption of Simulation Assumptionism as a over-arching philosophy helps break down barriers that blind and separate all of us.
Podcast _00003: Last week we talked about humanity needing to #TellABetterStory.
The divisive Dr. Jordan Peterson agrees and states just that in this interview. Voltaire states: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” There are good ideas & sentiments everywhere. We have to be able to critically think how we perceive what others are saying and doing & weigh different opinions. This is vital for being able to advance society as a whole.
Reality-ReDesign.com Podcast _00002: #SimulationAssumptionism & its importance as a Boundary Dissolver.
Just like Psychedelics, adopting the philosophy of assuming that we live in a simulation has the potential to help society "Pivot" towards the positive because it removes the boundaries that hinder us as individuals but Civilization itself. We need to Inject #ArtsTask into the equation - There is #TheArtOfConsiousness that we are neglecting!
Reality-ReDesign.com Podcast _00001: The Mission of #ArtsTask & #SolutionsVSDiagnosis
To quote Dave Chappelle, “Someone needs to take some of the pressure out of the ball!” Now is the time for us to jump in and contribute content that calls upon intellectual reasoning and humor. We need to push back against this incredibly lopsided, bi-polar world we are all currently experiencing.
Let's all tell a Better Story.
Reality-ReDesign.com is launching of a #NewPhilosophy inspired by the challenge articulated by the late great #TerenceMcKenna & his #ArtsTask. This REALITY is in dire need of GoodIdeas; #theArts, #Design & #Architecture need to take lead.
For the sake of argument let’s just assume what we are experiencing here on Plane/t Earth is a Simulation (which can’t be proven that it is NOT).
If that is the case, what does that imply exactly, and what divisive narratives does it negate?
Race, Creed, Color, Caste, Sexuality, our Physical Selves, even the shape of the Plane/t are called into question... and do they ‘Matter?’ This assumption opens our Consciousness and Humanity itself up for all kinds of freedoms to think of new ways to be... as one Civilization.
This place is different from what we have been told it is, and we can all do something about adjusting our perception to make it better for ALL Creatures, great and small.
Because of this ‘Giant’ Assumption, let's collectively decide to tell a better, kinder, more humane story. We should focus on ‘Graduating’ to a more Mathematical, Data-focused direction, based upon the Eternal Mathematical Principles of Nature that celebrate beauty, novelty, diversity & Empathy.
We should do this in a clean, safe, and unbelievably gorgeous physical environment, so like the Cat in the Hat, let's clean up our Act. In this ‘Divine Comedy’ this is actually the truest representation of us coming into this existence and experiencing it collectively.
Let's All Make the Choice to do Better.
This Artistic Website and Philosophy is an attempt to give an alternative ‘Way of Being’ from the Artistic Perspective rather than a Futurist, Industrialist, Capitalist, Dystopian, Collectivism or some other abusive philosophy.
For Now, I call it ‘#SimulationAssumptionism: the Art & Design of Consciousness.’
We need to be Conscious Capitalists, but move forward towards a more inclusive, responsible, Better Designed future - and Art, Design and Architecture can lead the way - if they are allowed to do just that. That is what Terence McKenna means by his ‘Art's Task’ Video below.
Step #1 of changing things for the better requires out-of-the-box thinking, by the all of members of the Human Race... even those who currently have the power.
My Art Piece and accompanying upcoming video "Ritual for the New Age" addresses this specific aspect of the realization that we are all one in the same, spiritually speaking.
So let's add a layer of Spiritual Bureaucracy that is custom built for this time of Covid - by ‘Ritualizing’ the Bathroom with a Universal Prayer, as a Preamble to the Our Father.
This is how Jesus actually taught his disciples to pray when they asked him. Check out the bible verse Matthew 6:5-9 that circles this prayer in the small type that cirlces this piece. Order one for your bathroom today - and reference it every time you go.
Step #2 is to accept where we are in this ‘existence’ or ‘realm’, and more importantly ‘What This Is’.
The Clip from Terence McKenna about ‘Art's Task’ is the “Heavy Lift” of the whole purpose behind Reality-ReDesign.com. This [Mind{Set}] directly relates to us changing our perspective regarding how we perceive our surroundings. The Way Forward must be defined in this manner - we don't know where we're going if we don't know who we are, where we've been and what this place is.
And it's not an ‘Either Or’ question - it's a ‘Both And’ question. When measuring our position in ‘Space’ our position behaves like a Point, or Dot, in that space.
But when we drive to Colorado, go out to dinner with friends or fly to New Zealand, in Consciousness, it behaves like a Plane. Hence the wording ‘Plane/t’ - its a miracle that it exists as both.
And the Ancient programming for this is the As Above So Below Great Pyramid and other buildings in Egypt and other ancient sites around the ‘Globe’ Theater.
Consciousness is a miracle to say the least - and a part of that miracle is how we all perceive this particular realm we all share.
Fellow Conduit / Generalist Joe Rogan interviews Elon Musk.. I disagree with a few of their beliefs, but I do believe they are on the right track regarding having their hearts in the right place as truth seekers and wanting the best of all possible worlds. With tech advancing as it has, Musk points out that we may be in a base reality, but for all practical purposes we are already within a Simulation.
If this is the case, is the "Earth" or this "Plane/t" Round or Flat.... it doesn't "Matter" because its all just how we perceive the Simumation thru our Avitars, or our bodies. Case Closed!
It is our contention to assume that we are in a Simulation, and this philosophy is is Simulationism. So let's relax a bit an take a new tact.
They found a hidden Bible Code in the Hebrew Torah and what they decoded it, it cannot be explained and will absolutely blow your mind. ▹ Special thanks to Brian Rose & London Real for allowing us to use this recording. 👉🏽 https://freedomplatform.tv/ ▹ Watch the full interview with Gregg Braden 👉🏽 https://londonreal.tv/gregg-braden-iyo...
An Example of an impossibility that sheds light on how Consciousness has Pattern, and is trying to get us to notice.
The horrific injuries suffered by Washington Redskins Quarterbacks Joe Theismann, and 33 years later to the same day Alex Smith, are unbelievable to fathom. The video to the right breaks down the 6 top coincidences that if the odds are calculated, they are completely mind-boggling, astronomical and truly impossible.
What does it imply? This world and Consciousness itself is not what it seems to be. Truth is Stranger than Fiction. History can bliterally ree defined as a repeating program - literally repeating aspects of itself.
Today's Civilization is obsessed with ‘Getting to the Top!’ The top of What? A Pyramid. If you look at the shape of that, there is very little room at the top for a society approaching 8 billion people. Not a bad thing, but this is the next step in the development of Civilization: We need to rethink the Shape of Things and how we perceive ourselves within the Mechanism of Consciousness.
If we look to the Principles of Nature up in the Sky, or Growing out of the Ground, we see that it organizes itself in a spiral shape. If we take the next step as I go into below, and add Age to the equation, there is room for everyone within the parameters of a spiral. Like the Taurus of energy within a Alex Grey painting , how DNA organizes trillions of info into our genes, or how the galaxies arrange themselves in the sky, where there is no numerical limit.
We've been misled about EVERYTHING we have been taught – about our Health, our History, our Energy, our Spirituality, our Potential. And this is driven by the Ruling Class having a fear - of the Masses and of betraying their own class. Which is ridiculous. We have to address those that have true power and start the process of convincing them that this reality they have designed is flawed almost beyond repair...
Let's start over with a brand new vision and focus. The way out of this is Forgiveness, Accountability and Redesign - we need change the priorities & gamify existence thru Ritual, Honesty, Re-prioritization & Reorganization, not betrayal, fear and hoodwinking. Stop the trickery - treat the masses like grown-ups and have faith in Human Nature.
Specific examples: - we reorganize the workforce by Age - and you work for the same time our athletes are in their prime - from roughly ages 20-35. After that it is all Choice by the individual, who will be rewarded for staying in the workforce, become a mentor or trainer, etc. But this addresses the lack of Jobs & automation that plagues our economy -
Humanity needs to start applying Biomimicry and Nature's Mathematical Principles & Governance to Human Systems, especially in the financial sector. Computers have outraced our very antiquated business models.
We've applied the Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Ratio to our physical technology and Computer Programming, let's design our cultural platforms and MECHANISMS on Bio-mimicry and Rational Thought. Case in point - the movie ‘The Social Dilemma’ - the designers of these platforms have designed them as Dopamine Traps where the negatives far outweigh the Positive aspects of their influence.
Taking the case from the video above, theJobSpectrum® encapsulates this new way of ‘ReDesigning-Reality’ by utilizing all of us to drive this new Mechanism by ‘Manufacturing Data–With Meaning®’. This process opens up the Creative Source in ways that our current system blocks, hides and hinders, and is only One Example for how to literally "Think Differently" about how we can make reality operate in tune with Consciousness instead of against it.
This animation highlights some of the insights that inspired After Skool. The goal of After Skool and Reality-ReDesign® is to enhance the most profound ideas with Art AND get everyone to question things as they are.
This video features: Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins, David Foster Wallace, Eckhart Tolle, Will Smith, Simon Sinek, Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, Elon Musk, Joseph Campbell and Aristotle.
Lastly, this is a great video by our friends at
theJourneyofPurpose TJOP.
Jim Carrey & Alan Watts demon-strates how DIFFICULT it is to Articulate the "Fishbowl" where we exist. Coming to this realization can be difficult - but as McKenna describes as the "Felt Presence of Direct Experience" is what it is all about - Experiencing this Existence. We are all Actors here, Experiencing.
So Again, if that is the case, what's the issue?
There really isn't a reason why we can't make this place, our Plane/t, better for all creatures great and small.
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